
May’s weekend

18 czerwca 2018
Another diferente polish holyday / vacation is the “Weekend Majowy”. It is during the first week of May, where there are two different important dates; the Work’s day (May, 1st) and the Dzień Konstytucji 3 Maja – Constitution Day (May, 3rd). As the dates are really close, polish schools usually…

Easter in Poland

23 kwietnia 2018
What can I say? It really surprised me because, as I am catholic in Brazil, I thought that It would be same, but I was wrong. Poland is a special country and has it’s owns traditions, especially about the catholic holydays. First of all, at least in Warszawa, almost everyone…

Ferie zimowe

3 marca 2018
Cześć, jestem Ania i dzisiaj opowiem o moich feriach zimowych. W styczniu ja i moja host rodzina ybyliśmy w Włoszech na nartach. Miasto nazywa się Ziano do Fiemme i jest na północy Włoch w Alpach. To był mój pierwszy raz na nartach i naprawdę było trudno, ale też fajne i…
My first semester in Poland…

My first semester in Poland…

20 stycznia 2018
  Hello, Here is my report about my exchange in Poland!   My first semester in Poland I arrived here on August, 7th, 2017 at the Warsaw airport. Of course I was scared about having a new family, a new house and a new language. But, in the moment that…