
It has been a very interesting month …

It has been a very interesting month …

24 listopada 2017
  Dzień Dobry, Jestem Abby (Good morning, I am Abby).   I have been in Poland for more than 3 months now; a lot has changed. So many new, exciting, and bad things have happened. Since we last talked I said that I was planning on a Halloween idea for…
Cześć.  Jestem Abby.  I am an exchange student from the United States

Cześć. Jestem Abby. I am an exchange student from the United States

1 listopada 2017
    Cześć.  Jestem Abby.  I am an exchange student from the United States. I have been here for a month and everything is every different. I live with a host family. They are nice and take they have taken me to many different places so far (which I am…