Stay in Poland

Time fly, I cannot believe that I only got 3 month left… The time I spent here is amazing, Meet a lot of cool and phenomenal people and experience the culture different. From the beginning till now, I have grew a lot. At first I am still feel so shy to communicate with others students, till now, I met all the students and made a lot of good friend. Exchange not only makes my language ability grew, also my horizon of life. Now I know the world is big, I got my direction of life, I am very happy to stat in Poland.

Every trip that Rotary organize is really nice, We had a lot of fun.

Host family is really important in my exchange life, Still remember at the beginning I was so afraid that perhaps they didn’t like me. Until now, I feel like I am one of the family. I can’t put this feeling in to words, There is too many things I learn from this family, life direction , and how a family should be like.

Communicate with other Exchange students is a very interesting to do, We all come from different country, different culture. Therefore, Introduce Taiwan to the world is very important things for me, And I proud of being a Taiwanese.
I am so grateful for everything that happens in my life, those make me stronger and stronger and I can see my future clearly.

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