Second raport…

Second raport…


These months in Krakow have been amazing.

I have learned  more about polish traditions (Day of the Dead and Independence Day), I have had the opportunity to learn English … and because of that and I have made many more friends. My club, and my YEO in Kraków are very understanding with everything that happens with me and my colleagues. the food is very rich and I am not used to it being so healthy (the pierogi is my favorite Polish food). Polish is a very difficult language, but we have extra classes in the afternoon and I feel I have learned more from these. I like my school a lot, although in most classes I do not understand anything. I like my classmates  very much and sometimes they even try to talk to me in Spanish, (but most of the time we speak in English). the other exchangers and I get along very well and we are together most of the time.

Recently I have had problems with my reports, by e-mail I have no problem it is easy to do and send, but the problem is when I try to make the report for the website. This is a problem because i have never received a link that I can open my account with, and thus I cannot do it.  my exchange friends have sent me their links but i cannot open my account with these (even with my password) I have asked for help with this but most of the time nobody answers me. finally … supposedly today they will send me my password and as soon as it arrives I will make my necessary reports.

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