Report of September

Report of September


I have now been in Poland for a little over a month and I have experienced a lot of new things during my stay already. I am so glad to have met all the wonderful exchange students and to have spent the beginning of my exchange with them. First we had a language camp in Bydgoszcz, where we were taught the basics of Polish language.



A big thank you to our amazing teachers back there! We did not only study, though. We also got to see Bydgoszcz and all of its beauty. And we met the mayor, so that was an honour!

After the language camp we travelled to Warsaw and there we explored the city as much as we could in 13 hours. One of my favorite places was and still is the Old Town.



It is so beautiful and I could honestly just spend a whole day there. After a long day of sightseeing and walking around the city we went bowling to a really nice place, which was the perfect ending to a perfect camp.




When others travelled back to their host cities at the end of the camp, me and 10 other exchange students stayed here in Warsaw. Our host club here is very welcoming and my host family is amazing! School has been fun and I’m actually starting to understand our Polish lessons more and more every day, which feels great, because the Polish lessons are in Polish. I have made friends here and I am so happy that I got the chance to be here. I can’t wait to see what the rest of the year is going to be like!


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