Report n. 1 September

Report n. 1 September


My first month in Poland has been filled with intense emotions, new experiences, and absolutely remarkable people. The Zimek family have been the best host parents that could ever have received me. Their kindness, support, generosity, among many other traits have been key to my general wellbeing.



I have enjoyed numerous activities throughout this month, I have traveled and been to beautiful cities, met life lasting friends, done volunteering at a veterinary hospital, among many other incredible experiences.



I am deeply grateful for the fantastic friendships that I am developing with marvelous personalities. I have strongly bonded with the exchange students from my district and other cities, as well as from my school. I could not have wished for a better group of people to share these experiences with. Although I miss my  riends back home, I am 100% sure that the people who I’m meeting are going to be part of my life for a very long time.


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