
I have had an amazing stay so far in Poland.  Warsaw is such a beautiful and wonderful city full of culture, amazing Polish food, and lots of new friends.  Coming to Poland I did not know too much about Polish culture and history, but I feel that I have learned so much about the fascinating history Poland has.  The language is difficult, but I really enjoy learning and the language is very closely linked to the culture, so it is worth my time to study for sure.  In school we have special classes just for the exchange students which is very nice, as we learn basic Polish there and some of the grammar rules.  The best part of exchange so far has been the trips however that we take with Rotary all over Poland.  I think those are the best way for us to learn about the diverse history in Poland as Warsaw is just a slice of the whole country.


I also had a blast during Christmas in Poland with the food, church, and family time with my host family.  I really loved everything about it, especially because it lasts more than one day, in Poland it is more like a week of eating and celebrating until you’re so full and tired you can’t get up which is a great thing!


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