Things still good, increasingly adapting me the city, people, the language … the language is still the biggest challenge, in my opinion, in the middle of sentences catch a few words which I know the meaning, but it is still complicated. Temperature began to get colder, with days reaching 2, but I’m waiting for the „famous” -20 ° and as the snow is a dream (first time). The city is increasingly wonderful, we go after class play something or just eat and chat.
I went to Warszawa for the first time, along with Ryan’s Host Family, loved, wonderful city, we visited the Titanic museum that was on display, Łazienka Park and then went around the city.
On the weekend of the 8th, it occurred in my city the Festival of Lights, which attract many tourists, and occures in the main street in Łódź, Piotrkowska.
Wroclaw, the city where my brother, Guilherme Bernardi, did exchange in the years 2013/2014, always wanted to meet, and then I had the opportunity when Rotary Club Wrocław Zgromadzenie invited all exchange students to participate in their celebration of 25 years, then I decide to go, so that I could meet with other exchange students friends and also meet a new club of Rotary and a new city. It was a wonderful weekend, the city is wonderful.
A very interesting and entertaining was „hunting” the gnomes around the city. I could also find a restaurant with almost my last name “Bernardi”, so I had to take a picture on it.
I still couldn’t meet the Host Families of my brother, but I hope I can do it during all this year. Me and Will decided to start exploring the city, since we are two months here and know very little, so after school, we took a random tramwaj and went as far as stop looking at different sides of the city. That same day, we went to a piano concert, which was being held in the Cathedral.