Now I know how to make Naleśniki…

Now I know how to make Naleśniki…


My name is Destiny Gabriel and I am 17 years old.


School: I live in Bydgoszcz and I go to Liceum 1. I am in the linguistics class in my school. I have a Polish tutor and we meet twice a week, this is helping immensely. Polish grammar is definitely difficult but I know with practice I will get the hang of it. I have made some really good friends at school, they help me with Polish and teach me new words.


Home: I have the best family, I really love them. They are so helpful, loving, and caring. We recently took a trip to the Tri-city: Gdańsk, Gdynia, and Sopot. We got to spend time together and we really enjoyed it. My grandparents are so sweet. Every time I see them they say they notice my Polish is getting better. We all connect very well.


Rotary: This month my Rotary club took me and the other exchange students for a camping trip. We had so much fun together and took many pictures of the colorful leaves. My counselor signed us up for Thai-Boxing which is very intense but lots of fun… plus I have to work that Pierogi off somehow. Also, since Halloween is this month my Roteract president organized a pumpkin carving night. I was missing the Halloween festivities so I was very happy about this.


Problems: I have luckily had no big problems. Homesickness comes and goes, it helps knowing I have family here with my host family and exchange friends.


Goals: Polish is getting better everyday. I can understand more than I can say, but Polish lessons will help with this. Now I know how to make Naleś Pierogi.


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