November 2016

November 2016


Hi everyone, i have been in Poland exactly 2 months and 25 days , and i can say that this time has been so great. i arrived to Katowice airport on 17th of August, I was so nervous and tired because I flew 16 hours, my first host family was waiting me with the family of Fernando (Mexico) and with the family of Gabriela (Brazil).



The firsts days in Poland were so weird because i was knowing everything i was like a baby here, my mom dont talk anything of english so is difficult to talk with her. I was so sad the first days but the everything start. I went to the first rotary meeting that its was in Bydgoszcz, there i meet all the exchanges students, it was awesome that 10 days.


My family its awesome, i love to live in their house, they likes a lot go to the mountains and for me its something new so i like it too.



The first days of school were so strange but the people where so nice with me and now i love go to school and be with my polish friends, i had a trip with all my classmates and it was awesome.



I will put other photos of what i did in all this time, I only want to say that im having the best year in my life.


Trip to the mountains with „tychy mafia”


Trip to Wrocław


Trip to Kraków


Trip to Częstochowa


I hope the next 7 months will be the same or better ike this 3 months.


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