My first two months in Poland …

My first two months in Poland …


My first two months in Poland have been very interesting. I have been involved in different activities both representing and promoting Mexico and the RYE.

I’ve also had the oportunnity to travel to different places in and outside of Poland.


 Guido Mine, Zabrze


Museum of John Paul II, Wadowice


 Zawoja Mountains






 Ostrava, Czech Republic


Bari, Italy



 I’ve had the oportunity to attend differrent shows and sports events.


Monster Jam, Chorzów


Soccer match WKS vs Gliwice, Wroclaw


 Mexican Night, Club Katowice


 Buisness Centre Club, Tychy


 Olympic sports in Chorzów. (In the picture Mexican athlete Edgar Rivera)


 Poland vs Italy, Chorzów


 I have participated in many activities representing and promoting the Rotary Youth Exchange and Mexico.


First day of school


International Language Day, Politechnika Śląska Gliwice


 Mini Marathon, Chorzów


 Bike Race, Sobótka


To sum up, these couple of months have been full of great new experiences. I am looking forward to see snow in the winter, and to keep having these wonderrful oportunities to represent my country and the Rotary program.





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