Firstly I would like to say thank you. To Rotary D2231 for hosting me.
The first week was spent with my host brother. Getting to see my gorgeous city of Katowice that I get to call home for the next year. Next we took a train to language camp. Where all of the inbound students in Poland met and studied the polish language for nine days.
We then all traveled by coach to Warsaw for our orientation camp. The camp was super nice as we were all able to go on a tour of the city. Sadly the week long adventure came to an end and we all had to say our goodbyes. Everyone in Poland is extremely nice and outgoing and willing to work with you. My language has improved in tremendous ways. Ways that are hard to describe.
This photo is of all of the Polish inbounds at language camp. It was our last night here and we were filled with emotions. Until next time everyone!