My first report

My first report

I’m currently staying with my first family in Wroclaw and they welcomed me with a lovely handmade cardboard.


I think the school is going good. We have a lot of subjects but I would say my favorite is Math.

02/09/2023-We went to Energilandia with my family and some of their friends

08/09/2023-Our firts district’s meeting in Sopot and our trip to Gdansk

11/09/2023-The Gobernor of Rotary District 2231 visited our club

During my time in Poland I’ve been able to visit such places as Gdansk Old Town, Energilandia, Pzesieka Góra and Jasna Góra.

22/11/2023 Visit to Jasna Góra

I was with the Exchange Students from Wroclaw in an orphanage with ukranian kids, I was in a Escape Room and I went to the Wroclaw Christmas Market Square.

22/09/2023 Moje Urodziny

I already meet my polish counselor but I don’t contact her very often. We go to our first month Rotary meeting only but I just began going to the Rotaract meetings on Thursday.

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