My arrival was pretty nice, my family waited for me at the airport with a big welcoming sign and balloons. After that,the first day, we did a walk with the dogs around the lake that is near my house.
My school is very nice, I made friends pretty easily. I don’t do much since I don’t understand much but listening to polish all day has absolutely helped me.
I had a trip to Croatia and Wrocław with school, both beautiful places. I’ve also been to Łódź and Warszawa, where i visited the Pałac Kultury i Nauki. When I went to Wrocław I visited the zoo and sky tower. I have also gone trekking with my host dad to łysica.
I’ve met my counselor but we haven’t had a proper meeting. As I don’t live in a city where the rotary meetings are held, I’ve only been to one where I met the governor.
Some pictures of my exchange: