This is my cover photo,the reason that I chose it is because everyone is in this photo. We took this photo during the languege camp in Bydgoszcz,and this is the last day of the camp.
I really miss the camp because I like my exchange friends,and the next time I can see them all is in December.This camp helped us a lot,we got to know other people and also we have useful languese courses.



This photo is also tooked back in Bydgoszcz,there are all the Taiwanese exchange students . In the district,some of them come from the same place in Taiwan,but I live in the south part of Taiwan,and the rest of them live in the north.
Even though I live in the south and they livein the north,I still had a great time  with them.



This photo was took in Warsaw,there are 11 exchange students in Warsaw,but in the picture there are only eight,that is because I don’t have a picture with all 11 in it.
Exchange students in Warsaw are like a family,and we know each other very well. This photo was took in a shopping mall,we enjoy spending our free time together.


This photo is special,we took this photo in Warsaw, the old man in white is my host Father, his name is Andrzej Swietlik,he is a very famous Photographer in Poland. The old man in black is my host father’s friend,he is also a famous photograTpher in Poland,  It was my father’s speech that day,and a lot of famous artists in Poland came,inclued him.
The boy in black next to me is Leonardo,he is my host brother from Mexico he is a really nice person and he is helpful.


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