
This has been a really good month, I finally changed families at the beginning of January, my new family it’s asome I love them so much.
Talking about school everything it’s asome, I’ll like to be more useful but I can’t do much if I don’t speak polish, but I’m understanding more polish every day, so I’m happy about that and lessons in school are helpling me to understand more, my friends from school are amazing, they love me and I love them pretty much.
About Rotary, we don’t do much, we went to 1 rotarac meeting this month but I’m planning to go every week, the only problem it’s going to be the transport because I live in a village know, but I’ll make it for sure. And last week we have our trip t Austria, it was the most amazing week of my life for sure, it was not enough just one week of that trip, hope I can go back soon.
About problems, I’m just having one, my counselor it’s pretty asome, but his a businessman and his always out of town so he doesn’t have time to solve my requests or travel things, sometimes I even think it will be a good idea to change of counselor, and I will love to travel more, but it’s not really nice that We can’t travel alone, I mean I have travel alone to almost all the rotary meetings and I really don’t understand why I can’t travel alone to other cities, I mean it’s the same thing that going to  rotary meeting, just hope we can do more for knowing my host country better.

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