Dzien Dobry
Mam na imię Marilyn Trippe
Jestem z USA. Mam osiemnaście lat. Jestem studentką
I arrived in Poland on August 21. I am from McCall Idaho USA and I’m 18 years old. I am currently done with secondary school and when I return home in July I will be attending Boise State University in Idaho. I will be studying political science with an emphasis on international affairs. I hope to spend my exchange getting to fully understand the culture of not only Poland but all of Eastern Europe. I am so thankful for the opportunity I have been given to come on exchange. And give all my love to Rotarians everywhere that have helped me get here. I am very happy in Poland and I’m having a fantastic exchange.
Please contact me if you have any questions about my exchange or want any further knowledge about me as a person.
My Facebook name: Marilyn Sage Trippe
Instagram: marilyn_trippe
Home district: 5400 Idaho