I have access to the Baltic Sea…

I have access to the Baltic Sea…


I have officially been in Poland for two and a half months and I have to say, time really does fly when you’re having fun. Thinking about how much time I have left here can be daunting, but knowing that I’m already a fifth of the way through my exchange makes me appreciate every day I have in this beautiful country. It feels like only yesterday that I met my host family in the airport after two long days of flying, lost luggage, and horrible airport Chinese food.

During my first week, I attended a language course in Bydgoszcz and an orientation in Warsaw. This was the first time I met the other 54 exchange students and the start of many great friendships. Since then, a few of them have visited my city in Gdańsk and I’ve had the pleasure of showing them around my favorite places and sights. Of course, I usually bring Spencer along, another American exchange student who lives in Gdynia, because we make an effort to hang out every weekend. So far we have gone on some crazy adventures! And I always find the train rides between our homes very relaxing.


One of my favorite parts about living here is having access to the Baltic Sea. I vividly remember walking along the shore with an icecream cone after my first day of school wondering „How did I ever get so lucky?” Since that day, I have made a point to visit the sea often. When I am having a rough day, I know that the waves will bring a sense of peace and tranquility no matter the weather, temperature, or who I am with. At the end of this year, I know I will miss this the most because back home in Kentucky, we have lakes and rivers but nothing as majestic as the Baltic Sea.


Overall, I’d say I am blessed to be living in Poland with the friends I have, and I am proud of the person I am becoming on this year-long journey. It takes bravery to hop on a plane in the first place, but it takes true courage to wake up every morning in a foreign country with a smile on your face, ready to take on whatever comes your way. Here’s to more great months to come!

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