My first week of Poland was the weirdest thing…

My first week of Poland was the weirdest thing…


First month

The beginning…


 Jet Lag

My first week of Poland was the weirdest thing I have ever experienced. This week was a bunch of slaps in my face (just a metaphor don´t worry). I was trying so hard to believe that I was no longer at home, that I wouldn´t be at home for one more year. But  this part was the ¨okay¨ part. The hard part was spending my  frigging birthday sleeping cause I had jet lag, yep, I woke up at five pm in my birthday. That doesn´t sounds great!?



Bydgoszcz is one of the best things I have ever done. I met amazing people, I made friendships that I´m sure that will last forever.



I think this was the hardest part. Attending a new school in your own city is hard, so now imagine to attend a new one in the other face of the world. You can´t understand anything, and this is not the kind of ¨I don´t understand math¨ , this is the kind of ¨ what the hell is he talking about¨.



I am doing really great. I am getting used to the weather and I am growing up really fast.

And I just realized that being here it´s a God present.


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