My first family is great…

My first family is great…


It has been almost two months since i arrived, I have discovered and learned many new things and can’t wait for learning more. This experience has just started. I think the polish culture is amazing and I appreciated very much. My attitude has been open to meet new people and their way of thinking. I hope to get a lot of knowledge of what I am going to be living.


My first family is great, I hope the second will be as well. I can feel a warm enviornment with the other exchangers. They make m feel like we are a family. Even if I am the only one living in Sosnowiec, I can  see the other exchangers from my club in the polish classes and the weekends, which is something great the fact that they live near me.

I am gratefull with the rotary club that makes this possible.


Every teenager should go on an exchange.

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