My familly and I have a really nice relationship…

My familly and I have a really nice relationship…


Hi, I am Bianca Inui Abe from Brazil, and i am doing exchang in Gdansk.


My school is II Liceum, and i realy like going in there because peaple are nice to me and i habe friends in school, in the begging was really boring because i didn’t have anything to do in there, but now I am almost doing something in the classes, for exemple homework from polish lessons.

My familly and I have a really nice relationship, we respect and understand each other a lot. They help me with anything that i need. And I always help them with the house and so on. On the weekend we go to the church, have breakfast together, sometimes we play games together and we go bicicling.

My Rotary club here is Gdansk-Gdynia- Sopot, we already did our presentations here, and our couseleir is really good, he always help us with everythig we need, and he is very atencios with us. I feel like i can trust him to tell about my any problem that i could have. But until now i didn’t have any problems here and i am enjoing my exchange a lot.


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