December 2016

December 2016

On the 27th of November I’m changing family, so the „mission” of now is to pack all the bags again for the change.



So on the 27th, I said goodbye to my first Host Family, when later in the afternoon my new Host Family, Izabela, Grzegorz and Barbara Nawrot, came to pick me up. I thanked them for their stay, and they said that whenever I want I can visit them. This second family, also does not live in the city, but in a small village (forest), called Grotniki, it is about 40 minutes from Łódź. Every day I go and return by car to school, or I can also go by train or bus. My Host Sister Basia is going to Brazil next year for her exchange, so I’m teaching her a Portuguese basics so she can go with a base and make it easier for her.


On the 28th, we gave a presentation to Rotary. Will played clarinet; Renato and I sang a Brazilian song and I played the guitar; and Ryan a poem in Chinese. To conclude, we declaimed the poem ‘Pali się’.



On the weekend of the 10th, Renato and I decided to go to Kielce to visit our friend Emily. We went on Friday and came back on Monday, had a lot of fun and had the opportunity to meet three Brazilians at the mall.


On Friday the 16th, in the morning, we took the bus to go to Wrocław, for the Christmas meeting. The anxiety was huge to see people I had not seen since the end of September. As soon as we all arrived, we went to take the Polish test to see if we reached our goals in the local language. On Saturday we went to a nearby town to visit the Książ Castle.


After the visit, we went to lunch and went back to the city to get ready and go to the show that was to happen in the city because Wrocław was considered the European Capital of Culture 2016. On Sunday, the group was separated in two, and we went to tour the City, with guides, the city always enchants, it is certainly one of my favorite cities of my exchange. When we got back, we were getting read for the Christmas Wigilia. Everyone dressed formal and with the blazers, we had music presentations, we wished a Merry Christmas and good things for our friends and after that, one of the moments that I moved the most, all the exchange students singing together „We are the World”. And so we went to the party with Rotary and had a lot of fun. On Monday, goodbyes again and see you soon.



And then another month passed, time is flying….



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