Almost a month after my arrival in Poland…

Almost a month after my arrival in Poland…


Dzień dobry!
Almost a month after my arrival in Poland, so I’m going to talk about everything I’ve been through.

To begin with, I must talk about my arrival, my host parents welcomed me in a very nice way, and I had a beautiful day, because they started showing me my new house, and they asked me to be ready for the next day’s flight.
I had to wake up at three in the morning to fly to Denmark, upon arriving I met some spectacular people, we stayed at the home of some friends of the family, and now with these people I have a friendship.
They showed me the most interesting things about the capital, and I watched the Danish football game vs. Denmark. Poland live, the result was overwhelming, but still, I enjoyed a football match for the first time in my life.
Now I really want to see them again, and I hope that someday they will come to visit us, or that in any case, they will one day consider traveling to Mexico, since I really want to see them again


After that week in Denmark, I went to my school, even though it was only there one day, they explained the details I had to know about school, and I was able to choose my subjects, so I can do only what I like, living with new people.
That week was the 65th EEMA conference, and I was part of the staff, helping in what I needed those days.
The next day was the flag ceremony, and although I was not carrying my flag (I wore the flag of Spain), it was at that moment that I realized that it was worth helping, because the event went perfectly.


From September 11 to 15 it was my first trip from Rotary, we went to a place called Zakopane, a beautiful place, full of mountains, and still preserved as a rustic place; They have a delicious cheese.
I also went to Slovakia, well, relatively, the last day of travel I was on a mountain, which is one of the boundaries between Poland and Slovakia.

All the following week was dedicated to the school in its entirety, it was stressful, but at last I have an activity to do in the morning.
He was also dedicated to asking my loved ones how they were, but I’d rather not talk about it.


On Friday of that week (the week just passed) I went to Toruń, from Rotary, a place full of culture, I could see the place where Nicholas Copernicus studied, and I could see a beautiful statue of Pope John Paul II.  That place is characterized by its gingerbread.

This week has also been dedicated to the school, as well as my family, I have been able to get to know my host parents better, and I feel comfortable with being at home.


I would not change anything this month, because it has been incredible, I have left the usual routine that I had, I exercise more, I have made friends, my blazer is filling faster than in Mexico, everything is very good, here I can transport to any place without fear and without company.

The only thing that is not good is Polish, it has been very difficult for me, because before my arrival there was a language camp in Bydgoszcz, so I am not the best speaking Polish; this month has been full of ups and downs, but I’m progressing 🙂


I hope that by next month my report will be full of good news
I send you a greeting and a hug, and I hope you are very well

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