A new episode of my life started in august 15, 2017

A new episode of my life started in august 15, 2017


A new episode of my life started in august 15, 2017 and with it a new year full of adventures and knowledge. I have to say that even from day 1, it had big challenge. I lost a flight in, so I had to take 2 more extra flights dealing with new languages, places and airport sizes. In that moment I was pretty stressed, it was my first time travelling alone and it wasn’t a short, I literally traveled to the other side of the world, it is funny when I now remember it but it is a proof that I came here to get maturity, independence and a lot of new experiences and lessons for the rest of my life. I was full of uncertainty when I arrived, I was arriving to a country which has the 3 most difficult language of the world (from which I only knew to say 5 basic words), with totally different traditions, culture and even the people. The fact that I was going to live with people I did not know, that I was going to treat as a family was kind of scary. After one week, almost all of my questions had an answer and the strange and constant feeling in me disappeared, Poland was welcoming me as my new home.

The language camp in Bydgoszcz, was very good. A new big family conformed by people from all around the world was being created. It was very comforting to find people in the same situation than me, extremely confused and disoriented but always full of happiness, hope and willing to eat the world. It actually keeps helping understand a lot of things in polish, but I really think that including less in the course is finally more, because with all that information you actually only remember completely few things. The relation created with the people I got along there is strong and close after 1 month, they are the closest relationships I have here in Poland.

The second trip was to Warsaw, I know that the objective of this trip wasn’t to know the city (it was EEMA conference), but it would have been really nice to stay longer, since it is a very big and incredible city. It was amazing to see how the new tall modern buildings aside the old ones, this tells a lot about Poland’s history, how they have keep fighting and rebirthing from ashes, to become a country which projects prosperity.


Torun is gorgeous, it is a living image of how Poland was 800 hundred years ago, when they were one of the most powerful countries in all the world, during medieval times with the union of two nations, which in fact was the first alliance of its type in Europe. It was fascinating to see a so old traditional and intact city, in the modern world and just the fact that Copernicus was born there excites me.

I think the best trip I have had so far was with my dad and brother. We went to Warsaw, to see the national football team playing against Kazakhstan, seeing the people support his team with such energy and passion, singing their anthem and celebrate was completely stunning.

I know that polish people won’t like this, but it is true; I am not really a fan of polish food. I found it repetitive and not very variated, sometime even without flavor. I am sorry Poland, but you don’t have the best food. The best dishes I have tried, are gulasz and a secret receipt of my mother that I like to call Polish Lasagna.


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